
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Two Islands.Six Days.

Good evening friends!

I'm sorry I haven't posted lately, but as some of you know I've been swamped getting ready for vacation! I just got back from Hawaii Yesterday! I thought It would be cool to come back and share some of the awesome things I've experienced with you guys! So this blog will just kind of be about my trip as well as some future blogs I have in mind for the next couple of weeks.

Let's see, where do I start?! I'm not sure I even have the words yet to describe how incredible Hawaii is! So I'll start with my adventure from day 1.
Day 1 was exhausting. We were up for a solid 23 hours straight just traveling. We flew from DFW to LAX to catch a connecting flight to Kona, Hawaii. And lets not forget the time difference. Texas is 5 hours ahead of Hawaii so it took almost the entire week to adjust to the time difference! Day 1 wasn't very entertaining to say in the least, so on to Day 2!

 Day 2 was fun. It was a free day for the family to explore the island and resort. The picture above is of me enjoying the beauty and splendor of the ocean view. We got to swim with Sea Turtles or the "Honu" as the locals call them. Even though they were wild they were very chill and friendly! Below is a picture of my brother Jett hanging out with one. The picture is clearly taken underwater so its kind of fuzzy.

Other than sea turtles, exploring and tanning there isn't a whole lot more to share about Day 2 unless you want me to go into detail about my breakfast, lunch etc. ;) 

Day 3 was another free day so I went down by the beach and found some cool shells and palm tree bark that washed up on the shore. (yes I definitely brought back every piece of the bark I found... Don't judge me haha.) We swam with some more sea turtles, took some more ocean pics, hung out by the pool, traveled up a mountain and ate some scary sushi with apples in it for dinner. (I'd rather not talk about the sushi) When we got about halfway up the mountain we found a beautiful view that of course called for a very cool brother and sister picture. 
We met some cool locals while on the mountain as well as a precious photobombing dog named Cocoluna who insisted on getting in on our family picture. literally, every time the camera came out this puppy would get in the picture.

On to day 4! Day 4 was extra cool. We got to go up in a helicopter and fly over all 5 volcano's in Kona. We flew around the entire island in 3 hours. We also found us some cool lava over the active volcano. 

Also, I got 2 free t shirts from the helicopter shop and who doesn't like a free t shirt? that's right no one! We also flew over all of Hawaii's waterfalls! 

I have a lot more photos but I'll spare you :)

Day 5 was another travel day as we island hopped over to Oahu! When we did get there, we spent the rest of the day checking out our very pretty hotel!

Day 6...... Now day 6 was probably one of my favorites as we did something I have always wanted to do....I went swimming with SHARKS. That's right. Sharks. We had to get in a cage and everything!

There were several sharks as you can see but this does not even capture all of them! My brother spotted a Hammerhead shark. We saw a Mako shark and several Galapago sharks! it was AWESOME. Definitely an experience I'll never forget. 
Here's a shot of us in the cage

We ended the day with some snorkeling at Sharks Cove. 
Day 7 was a free day spent snorkeling and lounging around the beach. I also brushed up on my hobby of photography. I do own a camera I swear, but due to lack of space in my bag, all the pictures I took were with my phone. Caught some pretty cool pictures but this one might be one of my favorites That I've taken. Especially since it was taken with a phone. Iphoneography at its best. 
Titled: Surfs Up
Sidenote: I may be selling some of my photos soon. I'm iffy about it so let me know what you guys think! On the subject of Photography, In a couple of weeks I will be blogging about some of my favorite pictures taken by my friends, family and of course my own work!
Last but not least, Day 8. Day 8 was our last day on the island before we flew out that night. We spent the day at Pearl Harbor. It's definitely something I've wanted to do, and I think everyone should visit. If you get the chance do go! We visited the USS Arizona Memorial as well as the retired ship USS Missouri. Very Cool in my opinion but also very sad as expected. Something unexpected and amazing did happen though. We met a Pearl Harbor survivor and I swear He was the sweetest man I've met! He is 97 years old and still going strong! 

Although I've left a lot out I hope you've enjoyed reading about some of the cool events that happened this week! I'm happy to be back safe and sound. Again, I apologize its taken me so long to get another post up, but I am getting back on schedule! Next week I plan on talking about some of my other travel experiences, as you guys know I do have a travelers heart, so be expecting quite a few posts about this subject :) In a couple of weeks I hope to have enough friends who want to share their Photography that I will be able to Write that blog up! Love yall! 

many many blessings, 

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